5 Healthcare Tips for Summer


After celebrating the Fourth of July this past weekend, we are fully leaning into summer! To keep the good times going, we’ve compiled a list of our top five healthcare tips for summer.

Yes, we did have to step away from our BBQ to write this, but it was totally worth it!

Check out our summer healthcare tips and let us know if you have any others by leaving us a comment below. 

The Healthcare Hustlers may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI — any prices listed are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication. These are subject to change.

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Are dermatology skin checks free?

1. Dermatology skin checks are NOT usually free. 

Skin checks are important and easy to get from most dermatologists, but despite popular opinion, they are not usually considered preventive. If a service isn’t considered preventive, it applies to your copay or deductible, and depending on the type of insurance plan, it could cost you between $20-$400. Additionally, if your doctor sends samples to a lab for testing, there will be additional fees from that provider. Talk to your dermatologist and your insurance company about your specialist benefits and lab testing benefits, and be sure to have your dermatologist send any samples to an in-network lab. 

Is travel insurance the same as my health insurance?

2. Travel Insurance is not the same as your normal health insurance (and it is FULL of caveats). 

Did you know that “injury while intoxicated” and “mental healthcare” are common reasons for denied coverage from travel insurance providers? Travel insurance plans are less regulated than US medical insurance plans, and are rife with finely printed exclusions. 

For those who are new to them, travel insurance plans are supplemental plans for travelers leaving their usual area of care, and especially designed for those going abroad. There are hundreds of travel insurance companies and thousands of plans, which makes comparing them one of the most boring parts of your summer trip planning. 

Before you buy, check with your traditional medical insurance plan to understand their out-of-network and out-of-country coverage. If you still want travel insurance, keep your eyes open for exclusions and maximum coverage amounts, as any costs you incur beyond their maximum coverage or because of an excluded activity or condition is your responsibility. Learn more here

Is sunscreen FSA or HSA eligible?

3. Sunscreen is FSA and HSA eligible!

You are halfway through the year - it’s time to start spending your FSA dollars before you lose them! The good news? You can use your FSA or HSA money to buy that really awesome, non-greasy, lightweight, mineral-filled sunscreen that you’ve been eyeing for the past few months! 

Click here for a list of pre-sorted Amazon FSA/HSA eligible sunscreens on Amazon. Our favorites include this basic option, this moisturizing option, and this ultra-light option

For additional discounts, check Coupons.com before you buy any of your summer items to see if you can get a discount!

How do I find an in-network doctor if I am traveling?

4. In-network doctors are all over the country!

If you have any domestic travel planned, you will want to be prepared in case of an emergency. This means knowing how to quickly find an in-network doctor, urgent care, or emergency room in your new location. Download your insurance company’s app on your phone and set up your online login if you haven’t already. Use these steps to find an in-network doctor in your new area!

Are urgent care centers cheaper than emergency rooms?

5. Urgent Care centers are still cheaper than Emergency Rooms. 

If you are one of the lucky folks who has never seen a bill from the ER, we’ll go ahead and tell you - it’s EXPENSIVE. While Urgent Care visits typically range from $20-$200, ER visits usually range from $500-$10,000 depending on the location and services. Learn more about the difference between Urgent Care and ERs and make sure you go to the right one if you experience a medical issue while traveling. 

We hope you have a fun and safe summer! Now, back to those margaritas...